While you’re making plans for activities to do this summer, don’t forget all of the fun camps you can attend through Chester County 4-H! The most attended events of the camping year are Junior Camp (for 4th-6th graders enrolled in 4-H) and Ed-Venture Camp (for 6th-8th graders enrolled in 4-H) and they will be held, again, at WP Ridley 4-H Center in Columbia, TN. Last year was the first year Chester County 4-Hers went to Ridley, as the Buford Ellington 4-H Center is now closed. Campers thoroughly enjoyed their new location and many have already been in our office to sign up for camp this year!
Academic Conference is a chance for 4-Hers to visit our campus at UT Knoxville, participate in hands-on workshops that focus on their specific project area, to socialize with other 4-Hers from across the state and to enjoy a day at Dollywood. This is a competitive camp and potential participants must submit an application to us by April 1st, 2010.
Participants who go to Electric Camp will attend all day programs that are hands-on, where they learn more about electricity, technology, and energy. Campers will enjoy their time at UT Knoxville as they get to stay in the dorms, eat in the food court, and go to the campus swimming pool. Did I mention a day at Dollywood is also planned?
In addition to the traditional 4-H Camp, there is also a camp that will strictly focus on becoming better at shooting sports. At Target SMART Camp, 4-Hers will choose which discipline they want to become proficient in: rifle, shotgun, muzzle loader or archery. They will also learn proper safety measures and care required when handling those tools.
4-Hers who are interested in arts & crafts and sewing will be busy completing their projects at Line & Design camp at our Martin campus of UT.
New this year is OWL Camp, which is for participants who like wildlife, outdoor cooking, and learning more about our environment. OWL stands for Outdoor Wildlife Leadership.
All of these activities are open to young people who are enrolled in Chester County 4-H. Please call our office for age requirements, fee information, and deadlines for signing up for these activities: 989-2103. We are also on Facebook (Chester County 4-H) and can be contacted through our web site.
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