Monday, December 8, 2008

Trash 2 Treasure

OK, so we had 4-H Club meetings at CCMS today. The contest this month was Trash 2 Treasure, which fit in perfectly with what Mrs. Hatch's Science classes were discussing! So Mr. Brian and I were a bit thrown off when we walked into class to see two table tops and the back part of the room covered with a carpet of recycled art!! :)

Mr. Brian ran out of ribbons!! Good thing I was across the pod in Mr. Kirk's class & didn't need what I had brought. :( (I thought I might get to judge at lest one entry!)

Here are just a few pix, I will post more tomorrow. Be sure to join our group on Facebook, you know I'll be posting there too!

1 comment:

jeepmama said...

OMGoodness!!! That reindeer is too cute! Thanks for sharing the pics!