We will be conducting 4-H Officer training at CCMS, after-school, in October. If you were elected as President, Vice President, or Secretary of your club you will be getting a letter, stating when that training will be.
Please bring something to write with and the Secretary book that we gave to Secretaries during our September meetings. We will give out the 2008-09 4-H Officer Handbooks to each officer who attends and teen volunteer leaders will explain each office and the expectations we have of you.
I know what the mistake is!! Can I win a prize?? I'm not a Chester County 4-Her so I won't tell the answer!
I think I know what the mistake is. On the blog it says Chester County 4-H Yearbook and on the cover of our book it says Chester County 4-H Officer Handbook.
From Caleb J.
4th grade
Mrs. Snider's class
Yes Caleb, you are correct! You get the prize! I'll make sure we get it to you somtime this week!
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