Welcome to a new 4-H Club year! Mr. Brian and I had a chance to meet and enroll 4-Hers at the middle, junior, and high school, so we are excited to get things going! Below is a chart of the different contests and activities you can expect this next school year.

Here is some more detailed information about October's contest - Photography. Mark your calendars now because we'll be at CCHS on October 7th, CCMS October 20th and 22nd, CCJHS on October 19th & 30th. Don't forget to bring your photos mounted on posterboard or another sturdy paper!

We want this to be a fantastic year & as 4-Hers, you know our motto is "To make the best better!" Try something new - don't be afraid to make mistakes, that's how we all learn!! (Even grumpy people over the age of 18! Ha!) Remember you can earn clover Credits for your class the more you participate in 4-H. Look at the chart to see what other ways you can earn Clover Credits.

Hello! Who likes to win prizes?! We all do!!! So - we're gonna try something new called "Feature Friday". Every Friday we will post a photo from the community - of a building or place. It's your job to guess what the place is. The first person to 1) send me an email message of the correct answer AND 2) make a comment about the featured photo on the blog gets a prize! And if you want to submit the Feature Friday Photo - you can also win a prize, just send me a message & you can attache the photo in your message!
And just for fun - I'd like to share some photos from last week's BBQ Festival. These 4-Hers were having fun at one of the vendor booths. Every year the BBQ Festival has grown & it's really not fair of y'all to keep growing as well - I'm having to look UP to you now!!