Yes - that's right, over 600MB worth of a VARIETY of photos from the 2009 Junior 4-H camp at WP Ridley 4-H Center in Columbia, TN are available for purchase at the 4-H office in Henderson! Give us a call before you come to the office so we can have your CD ready. You'll need to bring $5.00 and we won't be able to mail these out because we'll need your parents to sign a form - (just saying that none of these photos will be posted around the WWW). Our office hours are M-F, 8am-5pm. If you need to make other arrangements, just give us a call. I'm usually in the office late on Wednesdays.
For a $2.00 DISCOUNT - tell us about your best experience at camp this year (in 3 sentences or more)! This only applies to 4-Hers who went camping June 1-5, 2009 at Ridley! ;)